A lot of waiting around by competitors and volunteers and a lot of searching for wind by the Race Committee.
On Saturday there was wind going straight down the center of Port Phillip from the North but never reached the sides or DBYC. On Sunday there was nothing accross the entire Port Phillip with only slight, less than 5 knots around the edges, also preventing other regatta fleets from getting to their starts.
A significant effort was involved by both DBYC and FFI-V volunteers in preparation for this 61st FFI-Vic State Championships event. The friendly support of local members was well received and greatly appreciated.
FFI-VIC will attempt to reschedule the 61st FFI-Vic State Championships event to a later weekend after the Flying Fifteen Australian Championship is completed in January 2025. A whole lot more planning is required to make this possible and as soon as we can confirm a date this will be publised promptly.